I’m sitting here writing this from my* Swedish summerhouse, with no Internet connection. It’s not exactly a summerhouse, it’s a garden house in “our” allotment garden. But it is Swedish, yes most definitely! It’s a mustardish yellow with white trim and the garden is full of apple trees and lavender. Aaah, can you feel the smell? It’s Swedish summer!
Giving up my steady life with job, home and financial security has felt like a fantastic opportunity. I’m traveling the world with B doing the work I love. And it does sound fantastic, doesn’t it?
We started this journey together in St Petersburg, Russia. A very nice city, where B was posted for work and would be for months to come. We settled in and started feeling comfortable, then it was time for summer vacations, lovely! We naturally traveled back to Sweden to vacation in our hometown of Stockholm.
Here we had prepared for living in previously mentioned “summerhouse” for the duration of our stay, approximately four weeks. We were looking forward to this and the amazing outdoor space we would enjoy during the early months of summer. Hanging out with friends and family and growing our own mint for the occasional Mojito.
Two weeks into our vacation, B is informed that he won’t be going back to St Petersburg, there has been a change of plans.
“Wait, what?! But we left four suitcases of our stuff there!”
While deciding to follow him around the world for his work, I was well aware of the many changes in his schedule, often with very short notice. So, after laughing at it (my initial reaction), we started planning how to get our stuff back from St Petersburg. We’ll just take a vacation from our vacation and do some sightseeing in St Petersburg while collecting our bags.
And that’s the thing when you decide to follow your dreams and let go of everything known for the unknown. You are faced with situations and problems that you didn’t count on or expect. To me it’s totally worth it. I’m with the man I love, doing the things I love and I get to travel, a lot! And it gave me time to do this little film for you, hope you enjoy!
What do you think, is it worth living uncomfortably for a while to follow your dreams? Have you had a similar experience? Leave a comment bellow and tell me what you think.
*Well, it’s not my house; it’s B’s and his brother’s house.